So its Summertime and it’s hot, some days very hot! However with a bit of planning and discipline, it’s still possible to fit in some great rides, conquer the challenges and not melt! The biggest factor is the start time, so getting away by 8am latest for a shorter ride and by 6:30am for a longer or Mountains ride, is the answer. We are able to cater for this, so fitting in a few days morning rides while you are here with your family or friends is achievable. We plan the routes to make the best use of roads with tree cover (shade from the sun) and factor in the wind directions or avoid places that will be hot spots.
Recently we’ve had a few Summer rides, more 1-2-1 type, which works well as the pace is perfectly matched to you the client. No having to struggle to keep up or the opposite, waiting for others if the group speed isn’t suitable.
Here are a few pictures with Mark from Australia and David from the USA enjoying a few rides out.