
202307 Mont Ventoux – Zuzana

A Ventoux experience from a steady climber When a cycling couple go on holiday, there is usually going to be a cycling destination!  You see and experience so much more on the bike. The food always tastes better after the ride and the glass of wine feels like you deserve it. […]

201606 Tony at Tour Of Cambridge

Tony Cork Winning UCI Gold Medals at 70 by Ben Price of Kineticvelo How an earth do you change a 70 year olds riding habits to training sessions that give him the power to win but also don’t interfere with his love for the social side of group riding?  The […]

A great start to 2016

Spring has sprung in Mallorca and along with the heady scent of orange blossom the cyclists are out and about across the island.  At Mallorca Cycling Tours we have had had a great start to the 2016 season hosting groups from Saffron Walden, St Ives, Bristol and Switzerland as well […]

Spring 2016

 We had a great spring 2015 season with plenty of sunshine and welcomed a wide variety of cyclists from around the world.  With thousands of miles covered on the camps between us (and almost as many cakes eaten!) our guides are taking a break over the winter and refreshing their […]

Autumn 2015

As summer turns to autumn in the UK we invite you to escape the falling leaves and to make the most of your 2015 fitness by joining us in Mallorca for a week of cycling.  September and October are two of our favourite months for cycling in Mallorca, typically the […]

New website

Mallorca Cycling Tours are happy to announce the launch of our brand new website. Visit www.mallorcacyclingtours.com to see our fresh new look and news of our latest events and bespoke services. We hope you will take a look and be inspired to join us in Mallorca for some great cycling, sunshine […]